Hey everyone hope you’re well, today’s post is going to be all about the comfort zone! We all have our own comfort zone but is it a good thing? Obviously it feels nice to be comfortable and I’m sure it brings us a lot of joy when we’re doing something that we know we can […]
How’s life? Let’s have a chat.
Hey, it’s been a little while, let’s have a chat. Around four weeks to be exact. Life has felt crazy busy and not really busy at the same time. Anyone ever felt like that? I took a break from my blog without really meaning to. I have been feeling quite uninspired lately, and so the […]
Do colours impact emotions and behaviours?
Hey everyone hope you’re well, today’s post is about if colours impact our emotions and behaviours. I had written a post previously about why going outside is good for our brain and the green colour of nature was briefly mentioned. From that I wanted to do more research into it and find out if different […]
Why do we find changing habits difficult?
Hey everyone hope you’re well, today’s post is looking into why when it comes to changing habits it is so difficult. There’s been many times where I’ve really wanted to change up my routine, or stop doing something that was most definitely just a waste of time. However, it’s so hard! Once something is a […]
The benefits gardening has on your mental wellbeing
Hey everyone hope you’re well, I wanted to talk about gardening and how it benefits your mental wellbeing. I’ve been loving doing some gardening recently, probably due to the fact that I recently moved and now have a garden. Also the weather has been absolutely lovely, although there has been a few random days recently […]
Personal self development – practical self improvement tips
Hey everyone hope you’re well, today’s post is about practical self improvement tips. I’m always looking to grow and improve on lots throughout each year. Is there something that you’ve always wanted to learn? Or is there something you’ve always wanted to improve about yourself? It’s definitely a difficult one to tackle and a lot […]
What I wish I knew before I started blogging
Hey everyone hope you’re well, today’s post is what I wish I knew before I started blogging. For a bit of background I started blogging probably more than five years ago now. However I only really started my mental wellbeing and lifestyle blog in 2018. There’s probably a ton of things I wish I knew […]
My boyfriend chooses what make up I wear
Hey everyone hope you’re well, today’s post is a ‘my boyfriend chooses what make up I wear.’ I thought this would be quite fun to do. I’ve seen others do similar posts with other people or their pets choosing what make-up they put on. Seeing as I never really write posts like this, I’ve been […]
How I boost my mood when I’m feeling low
Hey everyone hope you’re well, today’s post is about how I boost my mood when I’m feeling low. It’s definitely a struggle that’s for sure, and sometimes no matter what I do I just can’t seem to boost my mood. But it’s okay to have bad days, everyone has them. Especially with everything that’s going […]
How to make moving house as stress-free as possible
Hey everyone hope you’re well, today’s post is about how to make moving house as stress-free as possible. I’ve moved three times in my lifetime, the first time I was a lot younger so my parents pretty much did everything. However, the other two times I had a much bigger role in the moving process […]